
Southern California Clogging Association

Serving Cloggers All Over the Southland Since 1979 -----------------------

FOR MORE INFORMATION, CALL THE S.C.Cloggers Ass'n HOTLINE: (800) 959-4194

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About S.C.C.A.

Southern California has the largest collection of organized cloggers in the United States. The
Southern California Clogging Association has taken on the task of serving as "network
central" for all the news circulating in the Southern California clogging world. SCCA
interfaces with other organizations and agencies on behalf of Southern California cloggers
and is the natural point of contact for other clog dancers and groups from across the country.

The current roster is comprised of over two dozen clubs and exhibition teams, 500 individual
and/or family memberships, as well as 50 subscribers to the Hillbilly Herald. The Southern
California Clogging Teachers Association is a member group and works closely with SCCA
on dozens of projects through the year. This equals about 1500 individual members.

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The Hillbilly Herald
The Hillbilly Herald is the quarterly publication of the Southern California Clogging
Association. It focuses on classes, dances and clogging events throughout Southern
California and neighboring areas and has feature articles on various subjects of interest
(insurance, competition, convention, etc.). To get more information, or to subscribe to
Hillbilly Herald, write or e-mail :
Bobbi Cooley [ Send e-mail]
Editor, Hillbilly Herald
3576 Sweetwater Circle